Viticulture in Heppenheim

Already 2,000 years ago, the Romans planted the first grapevines on the sun-kissed slopes of so-called „strata montana“ or mountain road, an old Roman trade route. Remains of a Roman „villa rustica“, located in the north of Heppenheim, testify to this interesting fact. Today, the mild climate, stunning landscape, majestic medieval castles and numerous historic towns are the landmarks of the Bergstrasse wine region.
With 180 hectares of vineyards, Heppenheim is the largest wine city to be found in the Bergstrasse region and it belongs to the self-contained wine-producing region “Hessische Bergstrasse”. The Hessische Bergstrasse was officially defined and inaugurated in the 1971 Weingesetz (wine law). With some 441.50 ha of vineyards, the Hessische Bergstrasse is the smallest of Germany's 13 quality wine regions. Owing to the fact that the small wine-producing region has got many different soil types, the diversity of grape varieties grown in this region is remarkable. The region is planted to roughly 75 % white and 25 % red varieties.
The new red sandstone soils of the Schlossberg mountain and the Steinkopf produce the fruity, sophisticated Riesling wines for which the Bergstrasse is renowned. The loess-containing grounds located in the south of the city, is where a fiery as well as full-bodied Spätburgunder red wine (Pinot Noir) grows. Why not try a glass of an almost forgotten variety of wine – the Red Riesling? This fruity white wine is made in a natural way of red grapes. Red Riesling developed from the White Riesling as the result of a colour mutation. Already in the Middle Ages, this wine variety was well-appreciated in the Bergstrasse region. Only in 2002, the archetype of Riesling was officially licensed in Hesse. In Heppenheim, already 22 hectares are planted with these special wine grapes. 
Are you interested in discovering viticulture amidst the vineyards? Then the experience path “Wine and Stone”, a trail stretching over a total of 6.9 kilometres, presenting useful information on topics covering the wine, grape varieties, geology, climate, history, lifestyle, flora and fauna of the region will be the right choice for you or just go hiking on the Weinlagenwanderweg, a hiking trail (23 kilometres) through the vineyards.

Bergstrasse wine in and around Heppenheim 


Wine tasting sessions and more

Discover the long history of quality Bergstrasse wines – either during a wine tasting session or enjoy some of the great Bergstrasse wines at home!
Bergsträßer Winzer eG - Bergstrasse Winegrower’s Cooperative with Viniversum
„Winegrower’s Cooperative recommended by the German Agricultural Society (DLG)“ with wine-selling, wine tasting sessions, tours of the vineyards. Regular guided tours of the Bergstrasse VINIVERSUM, every Saturday at 3.00 pm, inlcuding a multimedia show as well as wine tasting of three wines. 

Darmstädter Str. 56, 64646 Heppenheim
Tel.: 06252-7994 0
Hessische Staatsweingüter GmbH Kloster Eberbach
Vinothek & vineyards of the Bergstrasse Domain in the historic Rebmuttergarten amidst the vineyards.
Darmstädter Str. 56, 64646 Heppenheim
Tel.: 06252-126269 0
Family Business with farm shops and direct marketing: 
Weingut Freiberger OHG
Hermanstr. 16, 64646 Heppenheim
Tel.: 06252-2457
Weinbau Koob (Inh. Tobias Lulay)
with Straußwirtschaft - seasonal wine room
Außerhalb 74, 64646 Heppenheim
Tel.: 06252-678108
Weingut Amthor
Bgm.-Kunz-Straße 101, 64646 Heppenheim
Tel.: 0177-4569512
Antes Weinbau und Service GmbH (Rebveredlung)
Königsbergerstr. 4, 64646 Heppenheim
Tel.: 06252-77101

Kurz-Info Hessische Bergstraße

Weinbauliche Kenndaten (Stand 31. Juli 2021)
Quelle: Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt, Dezernat Weinbau, Eltville


durchschn. 30 jähr. Mittel 1991-2020
Niederschläge:                       692 mm im Kalenderjahr
(Messstelle Heppenheim)        429 mm in der Vegetationszeit
Sonnenscheinstunden:          1734 h im Kalenderjahr
(Messstelle Darmstadt)          1359 h in der Vegetationszeit
Tagesmittlertemperatur:           11,6 ° C im Kalenderjahr
(Messstelle Heppenheim)          16,5 °C in der Vegetationszeit


Bestockt:               462,2 ha         davon Steillagen (> 30 %) 63,6 ha = 13,76 %
davon im Ertrag:    451,9 ha


Einzellagen:            23 Kleinste geographische Einheit
Großlagen:               3


1. Riesling                  37,46 %
2. Grauer Burgunder   12,89 %
3. Müller-Thurgau         5,27 %
4. Grüner Silvaner        3,08 %
5. Sonstige Weiß         20,25 %
6. Spätburgunder        11,14 %
7. Sonstige Rot             9,91 %

Umtrieb bei den Rebflächen von 1,58 %



Durchschnitt 10 Jahre (2011-2020)         69,31 hl/ha
Vermarktungsfähiger Wein                      100,0 hl/ha


(bezogen auf die bestockte Rebfläche)
Gesamtanzahl                                  367 Betriebe
davon selbstvermarktende Betriebe
bis 1 ha                  119 Betriebe mit       12,8 ha
> 1 ha bis 10 ha       15 Betriebe mit       51,8 ha
> 10 ha                      6 Betriebe mit     111,7 ha
davon genossenschaftlich organisierte Betriebe
227 Ablieferer mit           285,9 ha